[4th August 2013]
100,000+ views!!
This is an exceptional amount of blog views and I'm just so happy that we have made it this far. I've said this countless times but never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that this blog would reach that many views, I am honestly surprised that it has managed to last this long because, I thought it would only make it a few months and then fizzle out because let's face it, the first few posts were awful!
But thanks to your support and encouragement I have continued to write (and re-write!) these movie summaries (etc.) and I really enjoyed doing it! Your kind comments, emails and film suggestions have helped me keep this blog alive and for that, I am truly grateful.
These aren't just words, you guys really mean a lot to me so to each and every one of you; Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
[19th June 2013]
OOPS! so I forgot to update this page, I just kinda watched it as we went past 90,000+ views!!!!!!
I wasn't really paying attention so sorry!~
The winners are still the same of 1st place - USA 2nd place - Philippines and then 3rd- Indonesia (careful Philippines, Indonesia is catching you uuuup!~)
You guys are so far ahead let's just assume that this will stay like this. If anything changes I'll let you know ;D
Thank you so much guys! Thank you for you comments and your kind words...thank you for everything "wipes tear from eye* <3
85,000 +views!! ERMAHGERD!
70,000+ VIEWSS!! AHHH!!
(the Lee Joon edition)
1st = USA!
2nd = The Philippines!!
3rd = Indonesia!!!
Especially Indonesia who stormed to third place ! :D
Thank you so much everyone I know I say this (and this!) every time but I really do appreciate everyone who views this blog: everyone who views a post, everyone who leaves a comments, everyone who supports this blog by following it by email...thank you
You guys are more than amazing <3
[23rd April 2013]
65,000+ views!!!!
Guys I was unprepared for this one!!! What are you doing to me!!!
Thank you so much!
I cant believe it, but this time last year we hit 1,000 views...and now we're on 65,000+!!! Ah my god, it's just too insane !! <3
Thank you all so much, seriously! Thank you!
[5th April 2013]
60,000+ views!
I swear you guys give me a heart attack every month! I love it :)
I couldn't wait to share this one!~
This time for the 10,000 view marker... THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!
The winner is still the USA! tbh you guys are so far ahead :L
2nd place goes to the Philippines!!!
and 3rd place goes to Belgium!
The Philippines are doing so well! they zoomed to the top and overtook Belgium in such a short space of time! Well done you guys! :D
Everyone else: Ryoma Baba (Arata-san) says "ganbare!" ehehe (I couldn't help but include him...cheeeeekbooonnesss <3)
Thank you so much for all of your support and kind words, you all mean so much to me I wish I could thank you all individually but...I can't *sigh*
[14th March 2013]
55,000+ viewsss!!!!
Happy White Day ~!
I'm so happy to see that we've hit 55,000+ views :D
Have a wonderful day!!!
[14th February 2013]
50,000+ views.....WHAT?!?!?! 50,000?!?!?!?!
[14th January 2013]
45,000+ VIEWWWWWWSSSSS!~!~!~!!
guys...guys....GUIZZZ HOLY CRAP!!!
[24th December 2012]
40,000+ views!!!!!
I missed this one again! Maybe I should just check back every month....(thinking aloud while typing..wat)
But HOLY CRAP GUYS 40,000 VIEWS!!! its so much I can't even put into words how happy I am!!
So....I'll .GIF it :P
35,000+ views!!!
Sorry guys! If you followed my tumblr you'd know that my internet has been out for a butt load of days :\
30,000+ views!!!
I missed 30,000 by....A LOT!
Ahaha usually i see it when its like +100 or something, but yeah...this time it was way more! Sorry!!
And the winners for this time are.........!!
*drum roll*
*dances* Well done guys!!!! <3
2nd place is BELGIUM !!
(again! you guys are consistent!)
and by noooo surprise at all the winners are....
Also special mention to my UK bros, You guys are doing pretty well....REPRESENT ;D
25,000+ views!!!!!
I really can't wait until we reach 30,000+ views!! :D
Sorry i haven't updated in a while, i am alive, but...kinda dying with school right now :\
I do love you all....SO MUCH! <3
20,000+ VIEWS!! EVERYONE 20,000+ VIEWS!!~!!~
Guys...I cant...even.... !~!~!!~
.Let's now see who the new winners are!!! :D
In 3rd place... *drum roll*
INDONESIA!!! Yay you guys!! ;D thank you so much<33
in 2nd place....
BELGIUM!!! :O Well done!!!<333
that means out new winners, the country who has viewed this blog the most is...:
You guys stole the crown from Belgium! ehehe Congratulations! <3333
Let's see if you guys can still be top if we hit 30,000+ !
btw, i don't mean to worry you, but Malaysia and Germany are catching you up ;D
I know I've said this before, but I honestly NEVER thought that this blog would receive so many views and that such lovely people would actually want to read the summaries I've written!!
I am so insanely overjoyed right now!!!! Every single one of you is so amazing, SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU ALL!!!!
I'm getting excited again! ;D
So I leave you....with kisses <3
Well....i was going to wait until the 16th but I'M TOO EXCITED!!~!~!!!~!~!!
WE'VE HIT 15,000+ VIEWS!!!! :D
Dear lovely people who have taken the time and the effort to click on this blog....I love you all :D
If i could come to every single one of your houses and HUG you I TOTALLY WOULD!!! <3
Thank you so much!!!
I cant express to you guys how happy i am <3
*cant breathe*
Never...NEVER in my life had i thought this blog would get that many views!
SERIOUSLY!!! I still remember freaking out when i got 100 views ;D
I LOVE YOU ALL *goes all teary*
My internet has been out for a few days so i missed 9,000 views, but it was FANTASTIC coming back and seeing so many page views its just unbelievable <333
So i have having a look at my statistics...and there are 3 counties who have made my life ;D
The best country.... in 3rd place is....
INDONESIA!!!!! Terima kasih !!!
In second place....
USA!!! Thanks guys!! <3
And finally...the winner and the country who has given this blog the most page views is.... *drum roll*
BELGIUM!!! DANK JE WEL!!!! <3<3<3
If we make it to 20,000 views we'll see who the new winners are!!!To everyone else....You're equally amazing <3
okay, i'm said too much....sorreeeh getting a bit excited ;D
it hasn't even been 1 week since we hit 7,000+ views and NOW WE'RE ON 8,000?!?!?!!?! AEYAAA!!! *deep breaths*
LHSDL;FSLJHFLKJA 7,000+ Views!!!
YOu guys complete me <3
[24th June 2012]Ohhhhohhh!! 6,000+ VIEWS!!!!
[15th June 2012]
woaaaah~!~!~!~!! 5000+ Views!!!
*damn you exams!!!*
But ....
AWAAAAHHH!!! 4,000+ VIEWS!!!
OMG GUYS!!!! Over 2,000 views!!!!
[23rd April 2012]
100,000+ views!!
But thanks to your support and encouragement I have continued to write (and re-write!) these movie summaries (etc.) and I really enjoyed doing it! Your kind comments, emails and film suggestions have helped me keep this blog alive and for that, I am truly grateful.
These aren't just words, you guys really mean a lot to me so to each and every one of you; Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
[19th June 2013]
OOPS! so I forgot to update this page, I just kinda watched it as we went past 90,000+ views!!!!!!
I wasn't really paying attention so sorry!~
The winners are still the same of 1st place - USA 2nd place - Philippines and then 3rd- Indonesia (careful Philippines, Indonesia is catching you uuuup!~)
You guys are so far ahead let's just assume that this will stay like this. If anything changes I'll let you know ;D
Thank you so much guys! Thank you for you comments and your kind words...thank you for everything "wipes tear from eye* <3
[21st June 2013]85,000 +views!! ERMAHGERD!

The top 3 haven't changed, Well done USA, Philippines and Indonesia!
Thank you everyone it was such a lovely thing to see that we made it past 80,000 views while I was away :D
Thank you everyone it was such a lovely thing to see that we made it past 80,000 views while I was away :D
[10th May 2013]70,000+ VIEWSS!! AHHH!!
(the Lee Joon edition)
I'm so so happy! :D I'm really glad we hit this milestone before I go on hiatus! <3
This time's 10,000 view marker winners are....!!
1st = USA!
2nd = The Philippines!!
3rd = Indonesia!!!
Especially Indonesia who stormed to third place ! :D
Thank you so much everyone I know I say this (and this!) every time but I really do appreciate everyone who views this blog: everyone who views a post, everyone who leaves a comments, everyone who supports this blog by following it by email...thank you
[23rd April 2013]
65,000+ views!!!!
Guys I was unprepared for this one!!! What are you doing to me!!!
Thank you so much!
I cant believe it, but this time last year we hit 1,000 views...and now we're on 65,000+!!! Ah my god, it's just too insane !! <3
Thank you all so much, seriously! Thank you!
[5th April 2013]
60,000+ views!
I swear you guys give me a heart attack every month! I love it :)
I couldn't wait to share this one!~
This time for the 10,000 view marker... THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!
The winner is still the USA! tbh you guys are so far ahead :L
2nd place goes to the Philippines!!!
and 3rd place goes to Belgium!
The Philippines are doing so well! they zoomed to the top and overtook Belgium in such a short space of time! Well done you guys! :D
Everyone else: Ryoma Baba (Arata-san) says "ganbare!" ehehe (I couldn't help but include him...cheeeeekbooonnesss <3)
Thank you so much for all of your support and kind words, you all mean so much to me I wish I could thank you all individually but...I can't *sigh*
55,000+ viewsss!!!!
Happy White Day ~!
I'm so happy to see that we've hit 55,000+ views :D
Have a wonderful day!!!
50,000+ views.....WHAT?!?!?! 50,000?!?!?!?!
OMG!!!!! LIKE.....OMG!
I don't know what to say....each time I make these updates...I feel like i'm repeating myself, it's so hard to tell you guys EXACTLY HOW HAPPY I AM THAT SO MANY PEOPLE LIKE well...READ MY BLOG....!!!! (you guys don't necessarily like what I write xD)
This time's winners are:
First place: USA (you guys are so far ahead I think it's safe to assume you'll always win!~)
Second place : Belgium (Same for you guys! :P)
and third place.....
You guys just appeared and stole 3rd place! :D
Oh, everyone....Thank you so much....I really do love you all! Happy Valentine's day <3
[14th January 2013]
45,000+ VIEWWWWWWSSSSS!~!~!~!!
guys...guys....GUIZZZ HOLY CRAP!!!
I'm so happy I cant put it into words!!
So....Happy New Year and I LOVE YOU ALL!!
[24th December 2012]
40,000+ views!!!!!
I missed this one again! Maybe I should just check back every month....(thinking aloud while typing..wat)
But HOLY CRAP GUYS 40,000 VIEWS!!! its so much I can't even put into words how happy I am!!
So....I'll .GIF it :P
This month's 10,000th View Contest winner is....
U.S.A!! Who is surprised?! I'm not ehehe :P
Belgium came 2nd!!
and Indonesia came 3rd! (They beat Malaysia! WELL DONE YOU GUYS!)
Thank you so much, everyone! <3
[24th November 2012]35,000+ views!!!
Sorry guys! If you followed my tumblr you'd know that my internet has been out for a butt load of days :\
[27th October 2012]30,000+ views!!!
I missed 30,000 by....A LOT!
Ahaha usually i see it when its like +100 or something, but yeah...this time it was way more! Sorry!!
And the winners for this time are.........!!
*drum roll*
*dances* Well done guys!!!! <3
2nd place is BELGIUM !!
(again! you guys are consistent!)
and by noooo surprise at all the winners are....
Also special mention to my UK bros, You guys are doing pretty well....REPRESENT ;D
[26th September 2012]25,000+ views!!!!!
Sorry i haven't updated in a while, i am alive, but...kinda dying with school right now :\
I do love you all....SO MUCH! <3
[31st August 2012]HOLY CRAP!!~!~!
20,000+ VIEWS!! EVERYONE 20,000+ VIEWS!!~!!~
Guys...I cant...even.... !~!~!!~
*takes deep breaths*
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! <3.Let's now see who the new winners are!!! :D
In 3rd place... *drum roll*
INDONESIA!!! Yay you guys!! ;D thank you so much<33
in 2nd place....
BELGIUM!!! :O Well done!!!<333
that means out new winners, the country who has viewed this blog the most is...:
You guys stole the crown from Belgium! ehehe Congratulations! <3333
Let's see if you guys can still be top if we hit 30,000+ !
btw, i don't mean to worry you, but Malaysia and Germany are catching you up ;D
I am so insanely overjoyed right now!!!! Every single one of you is so amazing, SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU ALL!!!!
I'm getting excited again! ;D
So I leave you....with kisses <3
[11th August 2012]Well....i was going to wait until the 16th but I'M TOO EXCITED!!~!~!!!~!~!!
WE'VE HIT 15,000+ VIEWS!!!! :D
Dear lovely people who have taken the time and the effort to click on this blog....I love you all :D
If i could come to every single one of your houses and HUG you I TOTALLY WOULD!!! <3
Thank you so much!!!
I cant express to you guys how happy i am <3
[16th July 2012]HERRRMAAAGAAAAR!!!!!
*cant breathe*
Never...NEVER in my life had i thought this blog would get that many views!
SERIOUSLY!!! I still remember freaking out when i got 100 views ;D
I LOVE YOU ALL *goes all teary*
My internet has been out for a few days so i missed 9,000 views, but it was FANTASTIC coming back and seeing so many page views its just unbelievable <333
So i have having a look at my statistics...and there are 3 counties who have made my life ;D
The best country.... in 3rd place is....
INDONESIA!!!!! Terima kasih !!!
In second place....
USA!!! Thanks guys!! <3
And finally...the winner and the country who has given this blog the most page views is.... *drum roll*
BELGIUM!!! DANK JE WEL!!!! <3<3<3
If we make it to 20,000 views we'll see who the new winners are!!!To everyone else....You're equally amazing <3
okay, i'm said too much....sorreeeh getting a bit excited ;D
[5th July 2012]HOOOOOOO....MYGOD!
it hasn't even been 1 week since we hit 7,000+ views and NOW WE'RE ON 8,000?!?!?!!?! AEYAAA!!! *deep breaths*
[30th June 2012]LHSDL;FSLJHFLKJA 7,000+ Views!!!

^ that's my reaction every time
I see a new view! ;D
YOu guys complete me <3
I cant stress how happy I am :D
And a special thank you to people from Belgium! Who, according to my stats, have viewed this blog the most...Dank je wel! <3
[15th June 2012]
woaaaah~!~!~!~!! 5000+ Views!!!
Thank you EVERYONE!!~!~!!!
*i really do need to find more .gifs :L *
[1st June 2012 ]
I missed it when we hit 3,000 views :(*damn you exams!!!*
But ....
AWAAAAHHH!!! 4,000+ VIEWS!!!
Thank you so much everybody!!!
And extra thank you to those who emailed me with movie/anime suggestions during my absence <3
[13th May 2012] OMG GUYS!!!! Over 2,000 views!!!!
I hope you realise that i'm running out of .gifs!! :P
Thank you so much!~!!
[23rd April 2012]
Woaaah!!!! Now we've made to to 1,000 + views!~!~!!
When i first saw it this is what happened.....
At first i was like:
Then i was like:
THEN i was like:
Now I'm like:
I love you all!!! xD
[13th April 2012]
Wow, so I've just just realised I've made it over 500 blog views...
[kekeke Lee Joon <3]
I seriously had no idea this blog would blow up like this....ahahha xD
I want to thank everyone who casually strolled upon my blog....you guys are awesome :D
[March 29th 2012] 100 Views on the blog!~!
Thank you so much!!
Just want to say I enjoyed your reviews of so many BL movies. I was searching some additional info for my article re: BL toplist - Japanese, when I encountered your site. Love your analysis and thanks for the humor. I really enjoyed the article. :)
ReplyDeleteAw thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment, have a fantastic day! :D
DeleteJust want to say well done on the views!!! you really deserve it. Well done! :D
ReplyDeleteI've only just found your blog but I'm already addicted, I didn't realise there was so many BL movies/dramas/animas/mangas out there! so just want to say Thank you :D <3
Thank you so much for your kind words! :D I'm so happy that I could help you find more BL films(...etc)!~ ^-^
DeleteHere a short japanese movie i didn't see on ur list. i think u would like it very much
and if ur feeling adventurous you can see this movie:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNbbBDXDBwM&list=PLCFA4E83519AD5F5E&index=49 (the female version of like Grains of sand. u might like it:)
Oh thank you! I really need to update the list, I've got a few more films that need to be added :D
Deleteand thank you again! I will definitely watch that film!~
When you review BL's is it possible for you to put whether the movie has a happy or sad ending? cause i don't wanna watch a BL and it has a sad ending
ReplyDeleteCertainly! I'm currently re-writing every post, so I'll add in if they have a happy or sad ending at the end of the 'plot summary' and just before the spoiler section :D