Well...I created this blog to inform people about BL movies, which then evolved into films and dramas, then films, dramas and anime.... and now films, dramas, anime and music videos! So much work!
Anywho, I have a somewhat uniform layout when I write the Movie Summaries and I use that layout as a guide for my other posts whether its Anime or a MV, so by using one of the most recent I'll show you how it works...
Currently in the "Just something to say...(1)" tab there is this > (1) - surprisingly that means there is one new post! After a week I will remove that little number and everything will go back to normal.
1- This is new! I found this polling thing, so I'm going to do some polls. YAY POLLS!2- This is a quick and easy way to know when I've published a new post! All you do is put your email address into that thingy that asks for it and BOOM you receive an email every time something new happens (pretty cool right?)
3- Quick links to the Top 10 Most Popular posts of this blog. This way you know what the rest of the people in the world like. Sweet.

1- Over here we have the LABELS. Let's say you wanted to read posts that are only about Korean films? Easy! Click on the Korea link and BOOM...every Korean BL film I've written about!
2-This is where is gets a little bit narcissistic. Here is my Blogger Profile complete with lame introduction. If you click the link "View my complete profile" it will take you to the kinda boring looking page where you have the chance to send me an email (Under "contact me") if that's what you want to do! If you don't, I don't blame you...I wouldn't either.
3- Visitor Stats. These stats aren't that accurate. When I say that I mean they're not accurate at all! I found this widget thing a good 4 months AFTER I started posting Summaries so it only really started counting views from like..June 2012 onwards.
-Section 1-
Over here we have the information-y stuffs. This is preeetty much where I tell you all the relevant and most important information.
I do a little bit of background research, if that's what you wanna call it, to find out all of this and make sure it's actually correct.
The picture is usually of a DVD cover or sometimes if it's an anime there is no DVD cover so I used one of the cover art from one of the volumes of manga.
A lot of the time the cast list is easy to find, but if its no where on the internet, it has got to be in the end credits, this is always the hardest for me...especially if the film is Chinese :L
If it's Korean I can easily recognise the name in Hangul, change them into the Latin alphabet and google image search for the name to see if the name matches the face. Easy!
If it's Korean I can easily recognise the name in Hangul, change them into the Latin alphabet and google image search for the name to see if the name matches the face. Easy!
Japanese is a little bit harder, (because names are in Kanji) but there are websites somewhere you can select the radicals and it generates the correct character...then I change that into the Latin alphabet...google search again...blah blah.
Chinese names are so hard for me to recognise from the credits, I'm yet to find a good website that you can search by radicals *sigh*

The "What to expect" section is also new. Sometime people don't want to watch insanely depressing films, or want to steer clear of any sexual content which is why this section is here.

< Section 3-
The next section is my personal opinion. (If you forget that this opinion is PERSONAL please check the "Disclaimer" tag to refresh your memory, I don't want trouble here guys! )
This section is usually hard to write, originally I didn't want to ruin the film for anyone but....I really wanted to give an honest opinion, and by doing that I had to bring up the moment I thought were the best, things that didn't really work that well etc.
If you've read my older stuff (which sucks and I need to update it) you can see that I only mentioned minor things and it was really...neutral.
Whereas now....I pretty much destroy the entire film for you guys :L
Sometimes I give you a FULL ON detailed description of what happens scene by scene, like in Takumi-kun 5 or Ai no Kotodama 2.
So I'M REALLY SORRY if I ruin the film for you...but I do tell you that this section includes spoilers!!! Other times I just pick a particular moment and give a one line opinion on it...the quantity (and quality) of this section really depends on my motivation and laziness :P
In this part I share with you my final thought....in a number out of 10.
I think I've only ever awarded full marks a few times.
If I want to go into more detail and I don't want to bore you all with my constant rambling I will head over to my personal blog (TakeTheSlice) and do an "extra feelings" post - in this post I will give you a reason behind my rating and then a random commentary..sometimes I put the time so you can see which part exactly I'm referring to, other times I wing it.
Everything will be linked, if it's not feel free to shoot my ass.
Everything will be linked, if it's not feel free to shoot my ass.

Section 4- >
Sometimes you can see this!
If I own the soundtrack or I can find it from the original source, i'll link it
Then is screencaps!
This is where I give you sneaaaky glimpses into the film, this way you can kinda work out for yourself if you want to see it or not....and it makes me happy to take screen shots of cute/funny faces ;D
Anime doesn't get any screencaps...find out why HERE! I think it's question....12 or something?!
Commenting!! Ohh it's so pretty!
At the risk of sounding like I'm demanding comments, I'm gonna tell you guisies wats wat.
If you want to comment on the post, simply click the title and head to the bottom of the page.
If you have a google account you
can comment with thaaat...other accounts are welcome as well.
IF you want to comment with a particular name like "Micro-Lemons Squeezer" then you should select the "Name/URL" option.
If you want to be anonymous then..well...click on Anonymous and if I reply to you I'll refer to you as Anon-san and it'll be a magical time for the both of us.
Not sure why I need to tell you how to do this, it's all pretty self-explanatory but #yolo AM I RIGHT!? AHAHA!! ...
...*walks away in shame*...
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