Friday 10 April 2020


I've been inactive here for many years now without giving an explanation. For that, I'm sorry

The truth is as I've grown up I've fallen out of love with the BL genre - I still like it, don't get me wrong, but my heart is no longer in it.

It seems unfair to write posts pretending to be the same horny angst-y teenager I once was. I started this blog when I was 15 - not posting things until I was 16/17.
Writing these posts during a difficult and stressful time in my life was really what helped me get through, as I went to university I started to change, then returning from my year abroad in Japan I truly wasn't the same person.

As we grow older our interests change, of course, but I never want to forget who I was during that time and all the people on the internet who sent me lovely supportive messages from everyone both privately and on tumblr. Oh, I should say I no longer use tumblr or the email maiyalao, mostly because I can't remember the passwords and I'm too lazy to find them

So I hope that this offers some closure, mainly for me as I felt like I just vanished.

I'm in the process of transferring all my posts, comments etc. to

I'll be editing and removing anything that could be considered to be copyright, I wont be writing anything new (for the foreseeable future) but if you want to read my old film summaries then please head over there.

Thank you everyone and even though I no longer write BL summary content I really appreciate the many years of support you have shown me.

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